I'm trying to understand the use of に as a particle to indicate the purpose of someone moving to another place to do something. For example, lets say that I want to say "I'm going home to eat dinner." Would this be written as:


Or, if I wanted to say "I went to the library to study."

私はべんきょうしますに としょかんへ行きました

Are these correct? And does the particle に always come after the verb indicating what action is taken?

P.S: I checked the other topics relating to this, but none of them really cleared up the question I had. So, I'm sorry for posting something similar!


2 Answers 2


Your understanding of the meaning of に is basically okay, but you must use the masu-stem (aka pre-masu form, 連用形) of a verb before に. Instead of 食べますに or べんきょうしますに, you have to say 食べに or べんきょうしに.

  • 私はひるごはんを食べにうちへ行きます。
  • 私は勉強【べんきょう】しに図書館【としょかん】へ行きました。

More generally, ~ます/~です is used near the end of a main clause. See: Use of -です/-ます in the middle of a complex sentence

  • 1
    +1 for the link about use of -です/-ます in the middle of a complex sentence Commented Feb 6, 2018 at 3:28

Like naruto says, when we use the masu form, the part of the verb without masu, is the stem.

Besides, it's also correct to say「私はべんきょうにとしょかんへ行きました。」.

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