Say I have a phrase 'High Quality Music'. The phrase which seems to correspond with 'High Quality' is 良質, which is both a no-adjective and a na-adjective. In this case, when trying to link it with the noun for music, 音楽, should I use no or na? Would it be 良質な音楽 or 良質の音楽?

All help is appreciated :)


1 Answer 1


In this case, 良質な音楽 and 良質の音楽 are interchangeable and both are equally fine. Maybe the former is relatively colloquial and the latter sounds a little stiffer.

However, just because a dictionary says a word is both a na- and no-adjective does not always mean they are totally interchangeable. There are often times when one is far more common than the other (see Is there a difference between 最高の and 最高な?), and there are even times when using の instead of な changes the meaning. For example 無垢な means "pure and innocent (person)" whereas 無垢の usually means "unfigured (dress)" or "solid (wood, as opposed to veneer)."

  • 1
    – user19858
    Commented Dec 16, 2017 at 3:53
  • 2
    @Wataru'Watson'Subridge え? BCCWJでもこれでも山ほど「良質の~」の例は出てきますし、Googleでも「良質の音楽」そのものの例が数え切れないほどヒットしますし、私はそれらの例に僅かな不自然さも感じませんけど…。もちろん、別に具体的な何かと比較しているわけでもないものが殆どです。
    – naruto
    Commented Dec 16, 2017 at 4:35
  • 1
    – user19858
    Commented Dec 16, 2017 at 4:44
  • 2
    @Wataru'Watson'Subridge 本当に検索結果をご覧になりましたか? 「ラウンジから流れる良質の音楽とともに食事を楽しめる」「京都から良質の音楽を世界へ」といった‌​例が何の工夫もなしに幾らでも見つかります‌​し、逆にわざわざ何か粗悪な曲と比較対比す‌​る文脈の記事を見つける方が難しいです。そ‌​の意見だと、世の中の「良質の音楽」の例はほぼ全部誤用だと主張しているに等しいと感じま‌​すが…。
    – naruto
    Commented Dec 16, 2017 at 5:02
  • 1
    – user19858
    Commented Dec 16, 2017 at 5:12

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