Once again I have some examples from a Death Note episode [10].
The main character says:
しかしおどろいたよ流河{りゅうが}。親睦{しんぼく}を深{ふか}める為{ため}に、突然{とつぜん}テニスなんて。[Note, Ryuuga is a character's name, the one he's speaking to here.]
Later the same character, thinking to himself:
I think I grasp the overall meaning of these sentences, but would like to understand how なんて operates in them and how it connects to the other verbs, specifically する and ある in the second quote and the omission of a verb in the second sentence of the first quote. I would also like to understand what なんて means generally, as dictionary entries haven't really helped me figure it out.
How I understand the quotes:
- I was surprised, Ryuuga, that you asked me to play tennis so that we can get to know each other better.
- He will not be able to profile me with this game of tennis!