I'm a beginner in Japanese. So far I learned the following three words have the same meaning - Lease (noun).
- [租借]{そしゃく}
- [賃貸]{ちんたい}
- [リース]{りーす}
Where should I use them appropriately and what are the differences among them?
As a beginner, you would not need to know any of the three words if you want to know the truth. Seriously, you would clearly need to know at least a few thousand other words already to use any one of those three correctly and naturally in a sentence.
Above is my answer in all honesty, but in case you insist...
「租借」 is the leasing of a territory between two countries. A good example would be that between England and China regarding Hong Kong that ended in 1997. 「租借」 is far from being an everyday word because it simply does not happen everyday.
「賃貸」 is an everyday word among adults, if not among children. It means "renting" ("letting" in British English?) a house, apartment, etc. for money. You can talk about renting a place by using the easier verbs 「[貸]{か}す」 and 「[借]{か}りる」 instead of using the somewhat technical noun 「賃貸」.
「リース」, of course, means "lease". In real life, it is most often used in business to describe the (long-time) leasing of machines and equipment such as copy machines, vehicles, etc. Not exactly an everyday word for everyone.