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Confusing use of noun following て form

Context from show: villain tries to trick opponent into thinking they were cornered, but it was actually the villain in the end who was cornered): 《 追い詰められたのは 俺のほうと見せかけて奴のほうだったのに そう見せかけて本当に追い詰められていたのは …
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Does the second half of a というのは sentence need to end with a noun or い-adjective?

I was reading a forum post and saw a comment replying to someone who said they chose not to curse/chew out people online. Their response was saying that it's not a physically dangerous thing to do, bu …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
4 votes
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Meaning of てやる in 忘れてやらない

Yes this the title of a song from Bocchi the Rock ("Never Forget"). Before learning about what てやる meant (I now do) it confused me, but even now the title still confuses me. I assume this usage has to …
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1 vote
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Does というのも used as "because" always require a から or んだ at the end?

Found this sentence from social media, and put it through DeepL: ほぼ毎朝5時に起きます。朝に強い。というのも、小学校5年生から新聞配達をしていました。 I get up almost every morning at 5am. I am strong in the morning. … うのも、こんな話を聞いたんです」 The dictionary usages add から or んだ in the end in their examples for listing a reason, and multiple of my grammar resources also pair というのは・も and から・んだ・ため to be used together, but this sentence
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Understanding ほどに vs. ほど

Context: Speaker is devising means to butter up/get closer to employer who requests them to find certain items on a mission and thus pass a test. 「この距離を限りなくゼロにする。 相手が気を許し秘密の共有をも求めて来るほどに 必ず探し出す」 "I sha …
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5 votes
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Why is の used here instead of こと?

On a grammar website (that tries to use somewhat more literal translations) I came across this sentence: 彼が出席しなかったというのは、よほどのことがあったんだろうね。 … In fact putting the translation of the original sentence into DeepL yields the exact same JP sentence but with こと instead of の. …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
2 votes
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When is it wrong to use んだけど for introducing a subject/adding background information?

I was told by her that when there is many んですs it makes the sentence/assertion a bit strong (no more info than that). …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
1 vote
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Use of トランク: Translation suggests "suitcase" but Japanese suggests "car trunk"

This comes from episode 1 of the anime Black Lagoon where the protagonist joins a crew of smugglers and asks one of the newer members how they wound up in the crew. He [A] responds and another more se …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
1 vote
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Can 目印 refer to people?

This is from Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood where a main character gets off the train onto the station and thinks to themselves about previous instructions they received: 西口で目印が立ってるから すぐ分かるって言ってたけ …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
2 votes
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さすが vs. それでこそ - "Just what you'd expect from"

Differing from それこそ, それでこそ seems to have a function to act very much like さすが and essentially mean "just what you'd expect from". Here's an example from Kill la Kill where the main character is about …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
1 vote
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Meaning of にしておく here

This is from a tweet from a Staff writer of 朝日新聞 talking about their history with and understanding of the term 名誉男性 (honorary men) in relation to the term 名誉白人 (non-whites given certain privileges, i …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
1 vote
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How to use たがわず as “Regardless of"

Context: two smugglers arrive at village as part of their current assignment Rock:それにしても閑散としてるな Revy:人のいねえゴースト ・ ヴィレッジなのさ この島じゃ 2 年も前から戒厳令が敷かれてる 昼夜たがわず治安部隊とゲリラが鉛弾ぶち込み合ってんだ もっと都会の島にでも逃げちまったんだろここの連中は   …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is 重宝する used in the passive here?

Dialogue from the anime Dungeon Meshi, where character A (マルシル) wants to give character B (センシ) beard oil because they have not taken care of it for... an indefinite amount of time. A:これ あげる... ケルピーの …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
0 votes
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Confused with this usage of 余裕がない

From the anime Black Lagoon, main character asks poor local merchant in town how much the price of the (likely stolen) goods they're selling are: (To merchant)ヌンさんそれ新品 ? いくら ? 高いよどうせ盗品なんだろ ? (To self …
whatyouexpect's user avatar
1 vote
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Grammar Pattern: Verb+だけ+Same verb て-form

I have found two examples of this kind of pattern from anime and I wonder how it’s specifically used: Black Lagoon, main character thinking to self (inoculated) that they’re bad at keeping shut in int …
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