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言葉. Any question that does not deal specifically with grammar or pronunciation. Includes questions about prefixes, suffixes, compound words, loanwords, dialectal differences, pragmatic usage, etc. In other words, phenomena that occurs at the level of the word.

3 votes

Is there a generic word for a band/orchestra to "play" a song?

As naruto mentioned, "演奏する" sounds like a perfectly reasonable candidate, and is not too formal. Another option is to use the "演" of "演奏"; "演じる". This is however perhaps most commonly used in regards …
Amani Kilumanga's user avatar
2 votes

Understanding 勝手

This dictionary entry fits perfectly: [名・形動] 1 他人のことはかまわないで、自分だけに都合がよいように振る舞うこと。また、そのさま。「そんな―は許さない」「―なことを言うな」「―に使っては困る」「―にしろ」 Essentially, doing whatever one wants; not caring about what other peopl …
Amani Kilumanga's user avatar
1 vote

Differences in meanings of interrogative words

This is the main difference between the two words. "どのくらい" means "(about) how much" and is very close in meaning to "いくら". The "か" particle on "いくら" and "いくつ" give them both the meaning "some". …
Amani Kilumanga's user avatar