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Usage of じゃ in 西瓜を買うと、俺もあいつも好きじゃで両得じゃ

西瓜を買うと、俺もあいつも好きじゃで両得じゃ。 じゃ means then, well then. But what does じゃ in the above context? Seems the definition of then, well then can't fit in this sentence.
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Understanding じゃから

Can somebody please help me understand the following sentence: なにをするにも、「おそい」ということはないのじゃから。 I am having trouble with the part that I've bolded (じゃから). I think so far that it means "What ever you ...
Teresa S-j's user avatar
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Meaning of じゃろ and じゃろう

カトちゃんだって、実際は別に毎日長さんに怒られてるわけじゃないじゃろから、本当は ”人気者で怒られない人” じゃろうね。 In reality it's not really the case that even Katochan gets told off by Chou everyday so, in truth, people who don't get told off by ...
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