I am not sure this has been asked here before. What I'm curious about is what particles get replaced by でも in its hedging usage ("or something") and what can occur alongside it and in what order?
It seems は, が, and を are always replaced. (I can't think of a context with を in such a position but if it ever was, I'd imagine it'd also get replaced):
ひまなら助詞の勉強でもしたら? (source)
コーヒーでも、どうですか? (ibid.)
テレビでも見てちょうだい (ibid.)
But で seems necessary?
舞台袖ででも大人しくして (source)
The most confusing is に which I'm not sure should come before or after でも or even when it can be dropped.
旅行にでも行きますか (source)
愛車で海でもに行く? (source) (this seems much less common?)
私は最近東京にきた田舎者なのですが、ひとりカラオケが好きで東京でも行こうと思っています。 (source)
And what about other particles: しか、とか、など、か、から、と、まで etc.?
み~んな同じ映画だとでも言うつもりかい (source)
So the quotative と comes before でも. What about 格助詞のと?
友達とでも行こう (source)
Should we assume all other particles behave similarly: comes before でも?