I have question regarding the following sentence in English:

I also think that holidays are good and people need it.

At first I came up with this:


But I am not sure whether this would be the better solution?


Is there a specific order or rule I can apply to this?

  • 私も means "I also" in the sense of "me too", not "in addition." So this sentence implies you're agreeing with what someone else said. Is that not the case?
    – Leebo
    Commented Nov 10, 2020 at 22:19
  • yeah, it's just like a short confirmation/summary of what the pre-speaker said.
    – Bugsy
    Commented Nov 10, 2020 at 22:26

1 Answer 1


The outer (or main) clause is just fine; 私も~と思います means "I also think that ~". But the inner clause (the opinion itself) has several errors.

  1. First, you must use は instead of the first が, because "holidays are good" is a generic statement that is supposed to be always true. これがよい only means "this one is the better one (than the other one)".


  2. よい/いい is a tricky adjective which may mean the opposite of what you think. To avoid this, you should use もの ("thing") and say 休日はよいものだ (literally "Holidays are good things").


  3. 人はそれがいる is not 100% wrong in casual settings, but normally you need に before this は. This use of それ is a bit odd because それ usually refers to a specified singular object. You can repeat 休日, or omit it altogether because it can be inferred. 必要 fits better in a formal sentence.


All in all, you can say:

  • 私も、休日はよいもので、人には必要だと思います。
  • 私も、休日はよいもので、人間に必要なものだと思います。
  • 休日はよいものであり、人間は休日を必要としている、と私も考えます。
  • In the sentence "人には必要だ", what's the usage of に? Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 13:25
  • @古手梨花 I never thought about it seriously, but we do say 彼にはできる, 彼には分かる, 彼には夢がある and so on, so I think this is probably in the same vein...
    – naruto
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 15:57

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