The character is explaining why some shrines remove their bell at times where many people gather at the shrine e.g. 正月. However I do not understand what he is saying.
大人数で引っ張ると - I am assuming that 引っ張る is referring to the action of pulling some sort of rope in order to ring the bell. When he says 大人数で, does he mean this as in many people pulling the rope at the same time (i.e. together), or does it mean more like, when there are many people pulling this rope (individually) when it is their turn.
My next question is how to understand 落としちゃうやつとか出てきて危ない, specifically 落としちゃうやつ. I am assuming that やつ is referring to the person that makes 'something' fall, however I am not really quite sure what they could be referring to. I mean, the logical assumption (assuming I am understanding correctly) of something that would be dangerous if it fell would be the bell, however I am not sure if my understanding is correct. Are they saying that with so many people pulling the the rope, one of the might cause the bell to fall down?