I came across a situation where I wanted to use a phrase like "flowery language" or "flowery speech", I looked it up and found 美{び}辞{じ} online.


I did a little research:

Initially I looked for the root in another dictionary. I found 美{び}辞{じ}麗{れい}句{く}. I asked a Japanese friend and they said they had never heard of this word nor the first part of the word.

I also searched another dictionary and came back with 美{び}文{ぶん} and 華{か}言{げん} as viable options. I'm not sure about 美文 but with 華言 that same friend they had seen or used it before.

Which would be the best way to convey "flowery speech/language" while not becoming to complex for everyday conversation or business talk?

  • 1
    美文体 and 華やかな(言葉) might be suitable alternatives.
    – BJCUAI
    Commented Mar 6, 2019 at 4:24
  • 1
    美辞麗句 may indicate "flowery words", but more likely to mean "ear-pleasing" or "fine-sounding". Commented Mar 6, 2019 at 6:29
  • @broccoliforest Oh okay, I see. I guess I might need to clarify my question a little. Commented Mar 8, 2019 at 10:41

1 Answer 1


I do wonder how old your Japanese friend is, but you do not have to answer.

While 「美辞麗句」 may not be an everyday kind of word, I would imagine that the majority of the adult native speakers would know what it meant.

More informal phrases that carry basically the same meaning as 「美辞麗句」 include:


・「耳触{みみざわ}りの良い(言い回{まわ}し or 文句{もんく})」



  • She is in her late 20's Commented Mar 8, 2019 at 10:38
  • Would explaining something that is too flowery in a way that it becomes negative yield different words in this case? Commented Mar 8, 2019 at 10:50

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