Im currently studying with Tobira. I'm in chapter 1 right now and in the grammar section, it defines ように as being used when:

  1. X resembles Y
  2. When X is as Y shows, says, explains, etc.
  3. When X does something as shown/said/explained/etc. in/by Y

One of the examples sentence written in this section, and the one I'm having trouble trying to figure out how it relates to the functions written above is:


I understood this as: "If you look at this photo, you'll know that there are various famous places in London."

This was my best guess as to what the sentence means because I don't know how ように factors into this.

1 Answer 1


This ように like "as ~" (your second or third definition). Try reading it like this:

As you can understand if you look at this photo,

there are various famous places in London.

Or more naturally, the first half of the sentence means "As shown in the photo, ..."


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