Context: in a manga, a boxer is talking about the president of a boxing gym. What is the meaning of 率いる in the following sentence? I know it means to lead
or to command
, but I don't think it is the exact meaning here. Could it be similar to to train
or to guide
in this case? (I split the sentence as it is in the manga)
何せ会長は… / / 世界・日本ベルト保持者複数を率いるジムの責任者… / / 結果出せる選手しか相手できないですからね。
My translation attempt:
If the president is the manager of a gym that trains (?) many World and Japanese title holders, it is because they can only fight boxers that achieved good results.
Also, could you help me understand the general meaning of the sentence? What it means is that the many boxers of this gym won a title because the president forced them to fight only the strongest opponents? Thank you for your help!