Here is the sentence including the word.

世をすねぐれて 十五年 孤児院ぐらしは身につかず

Is it a combination of 2 verbs between 「すねる」and 「ぐれる」?

I understand that 2 verbs can be combined with て-form of the first one.

Extra question: Why is it not 「暮{く}らし」instead of「ぐらし」?

1 Answer 1


Almost certainly it's from すねる + ぐれる. Because there is no in-between て, すねぐれる sounds like it's an established compound verb (such as 飛び起きる, こぼれ落ちる, 遊び呆ける), but I haven't seen this combination before.

From what I could google, it probably is a rare dialect word used in the eastern part of Japan.

This page lists すねぐれる as an 茨城弁 term.


There are a very few actual occurrences of すねぐれる/拗ねぐれる in some sites, for example:

And there are at least three native speakers who wondered what すねぐれる means, just like you.

  • http://alfirin.jugem.jp/?eid=381


  • http://fujoshina.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2007/01/__0f3d.html


  • http://s.webry.info/sp/39cat.at.webry.info/200909/article_2.html

    「出発前に、金太郎は「すねぐれ」ておりました・・・どうぞよろしくお願いします」とあり 「すねぐれ?」なんて可愛いネーミング!久々に私の中でヒットしました。

As for your extra question, it's a simple result of 連濁 phenomenon. ~ぐらし is relatively common (eg, その日暮らし, 一人暮らし).

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