How do I say "Twenty-two points of attack" in Japanese? Rather new at Japanese so any help would be greatly appreciated.
...and since it was put on hold, I will edit in my "research".
The only translation I could find was in Kanji which is 攻撃の 20 2 点. So I then researched the kanji character translations and found a site that actually had mp3 sound bites of how the characters are spoken.
攻撃 I found to mean "attack" (in the proper context I was trying to achieve). 攻 - spoken translation meaning "kou" and 撃 - spoken translation meaning "geki". I put the two together and searched for a translation of the word and, low and behold, "kougeki" was translated as "attack".
の Similar research, similar results... spoken translation "no", translated to "of"
20 2 ...well "22". I am a little familiar with counting in Japanese so I attempted this one on my own and since the Kanji separated the "20" and the "2" I translated to "niju ni". A quick search proved my counting knowledge to be somewhat accurate so was satisfied with the result.
点 ...this one was a bit trickier. Translated to "points". I could not locate this character so researched "points" with no results. However, I could find "point" which resulted in a spoken translation of "kyoten".
Now to put it all together...
Much like other languages, I noticed the Kanji is NOT in order so I can only assume that the translation to Japanese would be...
"kougeki no niju ni kyoten" (or at least close to it??)
As I previously stated, I am fairly new at the Japanese language but very interested in learning.
I hope my "research" will satisfy those who put the topic "on hold" to generate a proper response to see if I am on the right track.