Every entry in the dictionary that I have found that has the meaning, "false" or "falsehood," is either a prefix (thus can't stand on its own) or has other meanings.

A lie is an intentionally false statement whereas a false statement can be unintentional. For example, someone very uneducated might say that there is no such thing as outer space and believe it; that is a false statement but not a lie. However, every lie is a false statement, but it must be intentional.

Essentially, the only way that I know how to say, "That statement is false," for example, is some variation of「その発言は嘘です。」which would be calling it a lie.

1 Answer 1

  • 間違い (noun); 間違った (adjectival); 間違う (verb)
  • 誤り (noun); 誤った (adjectival); 誤る (verb)
  • 正しくない (adjectival)
  • 偽【ぎ】 (noun; used only in the context of logic or programming)

誤る is more formal than 間違う. "That statement is false/incorrect" can be:

  • その発言は間違っています。
  • その発言は間違いです。
  • その発言は誤っています。
  • その発言は正しくありません。
  • Thank you for an actually useful answer instead of misguided comments. That is increasingly rare on stack exchanges. :) Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 20:40

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