Person A is reminiscing and beating herself over her supposed failures at not saving some people including B who had to go away.
This is the provisional translation without the end bit which I don't get.
That also happened with B-san...
If I had reached out with this hand of mine more quickly more strongly...
1: Finally being able to meet the one you held dear and return to the skies with a smiling face while concealing tears in the depth of your eye...
2: And also the really sad choice of having no option but to part with a person you cherished like a mother, like a daughter…
Given the context, I'm assuming the entire thing is basically an elaborate "If I tried harder the bad things 1 and 2 wouldn't have happened", but I don't really get how させずに…すんだはず works or what it means.
I do get that すんだ = するのだ and that させずに is kinda an adverb (?) meaning that without doing something A expects something happens? But yeah, I don't get this part at all really.
I guess the question would be what does this part mean, and how would one translate it?