A lot of things have Japanese words in more than two versions to call them. I can appreciate there are often many ways to call the same thing in any particular language.
Nevertheless, I'm somewhat perplexed by the difference in usage between Japanese words derived from foreign words and those of kanji for the same things?
With the first example below, it is straightforward to me. ホテル is accommodation of western style while 旅館 is accommodation of Japanese style. The same applies to the second example I suppose, the western lunch and Japanese or even Asian lunch respectively. If I'm wrong, please point out. However the rest are not clear to me.
When to use which?
Would someone care to comment!
ホテル - 旅館
ランチ - 昼ご飯
ミーティング - 会議
ショッピング - 買物
デスク - 机
カフェ - 喫茶店
クラス - 授業
テスト - 試験
ストリート - 街路, 通り, 道路
テクニック - 技術