Would someone please explain how the Japanese would most naturally state that two "words" (関係 and 関連 for example) have approximately the same meaning?

My best bet is either




Do either of these sound more natural? And for that matter, are they both grammatical?


1 Answer 1


The most natural way is probably:


You can also swap particles to say 「関係」は「関連」と…, in this case, the subject will be different but the meaning is practically the same.

(In case you might wonder why we can end the sentence with 意味です even though they are "words" and not "meanings", it's a kind of difficult matter to explain, but you can think in a way that [noun]だ sometimes stands for "be of [noun]" instead of "be [noun]".)

ぐらい is only used for comparison of amount (high or low, big or small etc.), and in this context you can't compare "how much meaning" they have.

  • 2
    For something a little more casual, how about the following? AとBの意味はほとんど・ほぼ一緒です。
    – Brandon
    Commented May 26, 2016 at 20:19
  • @broccoliforest Thank you for your answer. Does the よう express the idea of "about the same" or is it simply required for 同じ to modify 意味? In other words, does 同じ意味 mean "exactly the same"?
    – G-Cam
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 12:46
  • 1
    @G-Cam It means "about the same", so 同じような and 似たような are effectively synonyms. You're correct that 同じ意味 means "exactly the same", too. Commented May 27, 2016 at 13:45

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