Suppose someone is about to do/say something dangerous/inappropriate. And I want to stop them immediately. In English and Spanish I say "no!" to them. It is an order to stop, short form of "don't do it/that". How can I do that in Japanese?
I do not think you can say いいえ in this case.
To stop a child from doing something, some book says to say だめ!. But I find it lacking, meaning "it is wrong/problematic to do that" and leaving the connection to "(so don't do it)" to the listener. I want a short direct, clear, unambiguous order. :-)
とまれ![止まれ?] sounds to me more related to movement, less general. Also, だめ! and "no!" are simpler for a child (to understand/process, and for me to think and say).
Would the answer depend on context or listener (adult/toddler/student/teammate)?