So I was translating this song (full lyrics, song, line at 3:26) and I ran across this line which I'm very confused about.
無駄な事は聞かないよ それが君の生きる水なら。
I don't listen to/I don't ask useless things. If that's your living water.
The second part is what I'm confused about. "Living water" is a poetry anthology by 高塚かず子, but I'm not sure if that's being referred to here, though it is the most common usage I found of the phrase when I ran it through google. I'm wondering if it's a pun, especially considering there is a part in the song that mirrors it: 生き死体の君が言うんなら (If you, the living corpse, says so). I'm wondering if these are connected in meaning in some way, though I can't figure out how.