There are various misses in your proposed translation.
- 餌【え】 could also be just "food for an animal".
- 凍【こご】える is an intransitive verb with a meaning more like "to become frozen and numb from cold".
- 誂【あつら】える is not "to make something to order", but more like "to request or order that something be done or made as one wants". It's about getting someone else to do the doing / making.
- すくいつくす might be a pun, depending on how we parse the sounds. 巣食い尽くす as written would equate to 巣【す】を食【く】い尽【つ】くす, or "completely eat (a/the) nest".
The sounds could also be spelled as 救い尽くす or 掬い尽くす. However, this would be a weird collocation, since 救【すく】う means "to rescue" and 掬【すく】う means "to scoop up", while 尽【つ】くす means "to do something completely so nothing is left, to exhaust something", which is a strange kind of collocation for "rescue", but I suppose it could work for "scoop", with a meaning like "to completely scoop something up (so nothing is left)".
I have no idea where you're getting the "building" part. The base meaning of 食【く】う is "to eat something; to bite into something".
Reading briefly through the lyrics, I find it to be a bit of a weird song, and I can't claim to understand it very well. I also note what seem to be mistakes in the romanization, such as the sixth line in the third stanza:
せめて その目でその肢でその声で semete sono me de sono shi de sono koe de
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the bolded kanji there should be read as e ("limb of the body"), not shi. A reading of e would fit the meter and rhyme better. That said, I haven't listened to the song, so I'm unsure of what's actually in the audio.
At any rate, I hope the above helps in some small way. Please comment with any further questions and I can edit the post.