I am working on Japanese texts describing Buddhist temples in South-East Asia and there is quite a number of words I can't really translate in English. Here is a list with my tentative translations (I wrote a ~ next to the words whose meaning I am really unsure of):
- 結界石{けっかいせき} (~): rules tablet/barrier stones
- 布薩堂{ふさつどう} (~): confession hall
- 講堂{こうどう}: auditorium
- サーラー さぁらぁ(~): open pavillion
- 僧坊{そうぼう}: monk cell
- 鼓楼{ころう}: drum tower
- 三蔵庫{さんぞうく}: library
- 仏教{さんぞう}教育{きょういく}学校{がっこう}: buddhist school
- 普通{ふつう}教育{きょういく}学校{がっこう}: regular school
- 火葬場{かそうば}: funeral hall
- 仏塔{ぶっとう}式納{しきのう}骨塔{こつとう}: bone keep in pagoda
- 壁式{かべしき}納骨所{のうこつば}: bone keep in wall
- 瞑想場{めいそうば}: meditation hall
- 洞窟{どうくつない}内仏{ぶつ}像祭壇{ぞうさいだん}: altar in cave
- 精霊祠{しょうりょうし}: guardian spirit house
- 碑文{ひぶん}: epitaph/scriptures
Does this look fine?