I have a couple of questions about the volitional form of verbs that I've become unclear on lately. Here is a Bible passage containing the grammar in question:
(Note that I'm using a Bible passage as I have before because it directly relates to the topic. I'm not trying to bring any spiritual discussions into this post.)
「主{しゅ}の名を呼び求める者はだれでも[救]{すく}われる」のです。ところで、信じたことのない[方]{かた}を、どうして呼び求められよう。聞いたことのない方を、どうして信じられよう。また[宣]{の}べ伝{つた}える人がなければ、どうして聞くことができよう。[遣]{つか}わされないで、どうして[宣]{の}べ[伝]{つた}えることができよう。 ー ローマの[信徒]{しんと}への手紙 10[章]{しょう}:13-15[節]{せつ}
As the scripture says, "Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved." But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? And how can the mesage be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out? - Romans 10:13-15
So, my questions are:
How does the volitional form work in this type of rhetorical question (without a か I might add)? Would the same meaning come across if these questions simply ended in 辞書形+か (like
)?Can Verb-意志形 always be replaced by Verb-辞書形+でしょう/だろう in this type of question? Because substituting that into these questions seems to make a little more sense to me.
→ "How can they (possibly) believe?"Of course, it does not make sense that you could substitute it when Verb-意志形 means "let's do X". (
→ "Let's go out to eat later", is clearly different thanあとで外食するでしょう
→ "We'll probably go out to eat later")