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Difference between the patterns 何 + COUNTER + か and 何 + COUNTER + も

私は今年何度か海外に行きました。 [SOURCE] I have been abroad several times this year. 北海道へ何度も行った I have been to Hokkaido many times. 本を何冊も読む。[SOURCE] I read several books. 本を何冊か買いました。 I bought some books. ...
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Is there any pattern to tell which verb of the two is transitive and which is intransitive?

Let me first explain what I mean. Take these two pairs for example: 付く、付ける (the first one is intransitive, the second one is transitive) 抜く、抜ける (the first one is transitive, the second on is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Conjugation patterns for u-dropping verbs [closed]

I was given a table by my book: The pattern I spotted is, except for u-dropping verbs ending in つ, we have that every verb preserves its consonant (s, k, g, m, n, b, w or r) when conjugated. Thus, ...
5 votes
1 answer

How do you identify the point of view in Japanese (for novels)?

Since subjects are very often ommited, I find it hard to identify whether I'm reading a segment in the first person or the third person. What are the patterns to look for to identify one or the other? ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is 仕方 a particular case of the pattern V連用形 + 方?

There is a pattern to express the way of doing things. First comes a verb in the 連用形 form, and after that comes the word 方{かた}. For example: 食べ + 方 → 食べ方 (the way of eating) 読み + 方 → 読み方 (the way of ...
2 votes
1 answer

Difference between そうになっていた and そうになった?

しかし、士道は荒れそうになっていた呼吸をどうにか整えると、どこにいるとも知れない狂三に言葉を投げた。 Hi. Can we change the bold part into そうになった? If we can, what would be the difference between そうになっていた and そうになった? Thank you.
1 vote
1 answer

Is っていうんですか/っていうんだ used for emphasis in the context?

「それで……令音さん、夕弦は一体どこに消えたっていうんですか?」 Context: 夕弦 vanished and 士道 was asking about her whereabouts. 耶俱矢「さぁて、忘れてはおらぬだろうな。我らが聖戦の前に交わした契約を!」 士道「ちゃんと覚えてるよ。……んで?一体何させようっていうんだ?」 Context: 耶俱矢 and 士道 entered a ...