I am wondering which of its roles the と fulfills in the following sentence found in a Hiragana Times article. The sentence is the name of an exhibition:


The のよう part I only know as "like/similar", usually in the form of のような・のように.

The only explanation for と I can think of, that applies here, is in its quotation form. As if someone had left out another set of quotation marks:


I've never seen と used like this though, without it being followed by a verb such as 言う for example.


Someone posted a comment that then disappeared. They asked if maybe it could be 用途 or something similar.

The article was actually only using hiragana. I added the Kanji to make it easier to read but I might have inadvertently removed some crucial information in doing so. Here's the actual, original sentence from the Magazine

2022ねん10がつついたちから11がつまつに、ならしまいぞうぶんかざいちょうさセンターで 「また!ナニこれ? ーならししゅつどのようとふめいひんー」がかいさいされました。

The translation given:

From October 1st to the end of November 2022, the Nara Municipal Buried Cultural Properties Research Centre held an exhibition titled "Again! What is this? - Unknown Objects Excavated in Nara City."

  • 4
    It's 奈良市出土の用途不明品.
    – aguijonazo
    Commented Apr 18, 2023 at 16:17
  • "Get rid of Kanji" they said. "Japanese could do well with only hiragana/katakana." They said. Those who claim Kanji is not essential to Japanese has no in-depth understanding of the language whatsoever. They do not see the profundity thereof.
    – dvx2718
    Commented Apr 18, 2023 at 20:42

1 Answer 1


The question was answered in a comment. This has nothing to do with the grammatical concept of のような・のように and was, instead, just a matter of incorrectly converting Hiragana text to Kanji.

The correct conversion would be:


The bold part is the correct Kanji equivalent of のようと from the original paragraph.

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