I have to understand two japanese idioms and I am having a very hard time finding a meaning for them (on a dictionary I mean). Can someone explain them to me

  1. 机上 as in 「机上実行」 related to the execution of a program in not the actual environment. I mean there are two modes of execution it seems. The first one (実機)and the second one (机上) So what is the translation of that?

  2. 松竹梅案の比較 what does that mean?

1 Answer 1


机上実行 is not a common phrase, but it probably refers to simulating each step of a program in one's brain or using the code printed on paper (e.g., to find the cause of a difficult logical bug, to check a software design). There is an idiom 机上の空論. By extension, 机上【きじょう】 or 机の上 by itself sometimes carries a nuance of "(optimistic) simulation/theory". A possible translation would be "brain execution" or "paper simulation", but what it actually refers to should depend on the context or your workplace.

松竹梅【しょうちくばい】 is a traditional way of grading something (see this). 松竹梅案 is a humorous way of referring to three plans (案) with different prices or grades. 松(案) is the deluxe plan, and 梅(案) is the cheapest.

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