
I'm reading an eroge, and there are too many meanings for "感じすぎる/kanjisugiru" and "しっかり/ shikkari" , so I'm not sure how should i understand this sentence.

Hope someone can help me to understand its correct meaning. (i can only guess : "Even though she said she feel too much, she still continues at it steadily " ?)

Context: A h-scene between MC and his maid.

チンポ全体を柔らかな膣肉で擦りながら、身体から膣内まで痺れるように震えている。 膣からは新たに熱い蜜液が滲みだしていた。

Maid「ご奉仕に集中しないといけないのに、主様のおチンポが気持ちよくて、感じすぎてしまいますぅ♥ うっくぅ……♥」



1 Answer 1


I don't know (if any) an idiomatic English expression, but 感じる in such contexts means to feel pleasure in the sexual sense as noted in this question.

しっかり is just normal steadily, firmly. Here, it is assumed that the feeling good makes the girl sort of passive or stop moving voluntarily. The sentence says although she is getting the pleasure, she still continues to 'serve' MC (by moving herself - again I don't know how to express the movement 腰を振る).

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