I have heard from some native speakers that for some verbs, it is more common to use the phrase Vことが出来る rather than the potential form in everyday speech. This arose after a discussion on verbs of the form *っする (for example: 接する、決する...) when I was told that the potential form (接せられる、決せられる...) is rarely used in everyday speech compared to say 決することが出来る.
Some sources such as https://cotohajime.net/2021/12/03/potential-verbs-vs-kotogadekiru/ claim that Vことが出来る is more formal, which goes against the above claim that it may favoured in informal speech for certain verbs.
If I could hazard a guess, I would say that speakers may favour Vことが出来る when using a verb they are not very familiar with as it is cognitively easier than conjugating the verb to the potential form.