From here:
Translation (I broke it up so it would be easier to read)
[Usage] 準備・用意 - In the
examples meaning to prepare in advance,「食事の準備(用意)が整った]、「外出の準備(用意)をする」、「研究発表の準備(用意)をする」, etc.
both can be used.
◇「準備」in sentences like 「大会の準備をする」 does not mean just to prepare necessary materials (things), but includes the idea
that you are managing an organization (event), and can be considered
more general (encompassing).
◇「用意」as seen in 「大地震にそなえて十分な用意をする」 and 「当日は上履を御用意ください」puts the
focus on collecting (preparing) the necessary goods (materials) in advance.
◇Also the very similar 「支度」is used for the
specific action you are doing in order to prepare the necessary
materials (things). 「支度金」 is the money used to buy the necessary goods (materials) > and 「食事の支度をする」means to collect the necessary goods and prepare food.
So, 準備
, 用意
and 支度
are similar. 覚悟
can be considered different from the above, as it means "mental preparation for a dangerous, difficult or disadvantageous situation".