I stumbled upon following sentence:


I wanted to ask which grammatical construction lies behind 「張り巡らされ青」. The context it appears in is the description of a (fictional) Onsen-town.

Further I am unsure how to interpret 「なっている」. I can image that (judging from it being the description of an Onsen-town) meaning something like "the scenery changed into...".

1 Answer 1


You've parsed this incorrectly. Think:


Waterways were peppered throughout, with the townscape featuring heavily the color blue.

・When connecting two phrases together with "て", you don't actually need the "て". This makes the sentence sound more formal/academic.

・As for the なっている at the end, it carries a similar meaning to "です". You could perhaps think "has become" → "is". It however does not necessarily imply that there was a time when what is before になっている wasn't the case.

  • Thank you very much it is pretty clear to me now. Do you know the grammatical operation behind the missing "て" or is it just something regarding formality?
    – Himula
    Commented Oct 13, 2019 at 19:50
  • 連用形 was originally used without "て" to string together verbs. In speech we tend to use "て", but we don't necessarily have to (it comes from the addition and conjugation of 「つ」という助動詞 to the 連用形 of a verb). It most likely remained in 文語 because, like many older forms of words (like である), it sounds more academic and proper than the spoken version.
    – sbkgs4686
    Commented Oct 13, 2019 at 20:24
  • Thank you, especially for linking a detailed description !
    – Himula
    Commented Oct 13, 2019 at 20:29

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