Talking about pregnancy with my Japanese friends has been a challenge because I have struggled to translate some English concepts.

Ultrasound is one of those words.

超音波{ちょうおんぱ} is the word I find as the translation for ultrasound. However, because of the existence of the 波 character, I find that this is referring more to the ultrasonic waves, and not the procedure. Is my suspicion warranted here?

Would it make more sense to say:




I'm leaning towards the use of で after 超音波, but I can't put my reasoning to words. It just feels better to me.

Finally, is my next translation nonsensical?

On the 24th, we are getting an ultrasound of the baby.

2 Answers 2


I think 超音波を受ける is casually used, but 超音波検査を受ける might be better. You can also use エコー検査. So how about saying...


On the 24th, we are getting an ultrasound of the baby.

Your sentence looks good to me. You can also use 超音波写真/エコー写真.


  • 2
    超音波 has been completely accepted as an abbreviated form of 超音波検査, but something like 超音波写真 or MRI写真 is technically incorrect and should be avoided at least in academic/technical contexts. I'm not stopping laypeople from using it in casual conversations, though...
    – naruto
    Commented Aug 1, 2018 at 2:23


The first two examples presented by OP sound a bit strange in the field of expertise, but in practical terms, I think that the following sentences are commonly used and make sense.

  • 明日、超音波を受けてから赤ちゃんの性別が分かる。
  • 明日、超音波で赤ちゃんの性別が分かる。
  • 24日に超音波で赤ちゃんの写真をとる。

To understand technical terms, please visit the following sites in Japanese.

In English, please read the following articles.

超音波{ちょうおんぱ} ultrasound を使{つか}った非破壊{ひはかい}検査{けんさ} non-destructive testing あるいは[非破壊]{ひはかい}[映像化]{えいぞうか}[装置]{そうち}の医療分野{いりょうぶんや}への応用{おうよう}あるいは実用化{じつようか}は日本{にほん}が先導{せんどう}してきた技術{ぎじゅつ}です。 対象物{たいしょうぶつ}を壊{こわ}さずに中{なか}の状態{じょうたい}を可視化{かしか}できますので、OPが話題{わだい}にしている妊婦{にんぷ}のお腹{なか}の赤{あか}ちゃんを見{み}るのに大変{たいへん}適{てき}しています。


  • 1
    – naruto
    Commented Aug 1, 2018 at 6:00

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