Context: after being defensive for the whole match, a boxer finally decides to fight with all his power out of respect for his opponent. These are his thoughts:
選手生命を捧げているキミにとってボクシングの存在 感謝でも愛でも到底届かない域に達していることを
それ程のボクシング愛を持つキミとのこの試合… 敬礼したくなる
My non-literal translation attempt:
Your boxing creed, which implies sacrificing your own life, is at a level that can't be reached with gratitude or love.
I want to honor this fight with someone like you that loves boxing so much.
In the first sentence he said that level of boxing can't be reached with love, so why in the second he says ボクシング愛を持つキミ? Is this a contradiction or did I misunderstood the two sentences? Does 愛 in the second sentence have a different nuance? Here you can see the whole page and the previous one for more context. Thank you for your help!