I'm having trouble with a bit of dialogue. I'm pretty sure I have the first part nailed down, but I am wondering about the choice of words in it.
It all starts with character A "saying" this: へくちっ
After some searching, apparently this is onomatopoeia for sneezing? It fits the following bits but I'm not sure.
Then comes this exchange:
B: もしかしてナツカゼってやつ?
A: いや~これは誰かが噂をってやつですね
Which I think is:
B: Is it maybe something like summer cold?
A: Nah. This is someone talking about me
The problem for me is twofold here. For one, is it a Japanese superstition that when someone talks of you you sneeze, similar to Western where you would have hiccups when someone is talking about you?
And secondary why the use of ってやつ. What function do they serve here. Previous question on this mentioned this expression being rude and being used to reffer to a person, which makes sense given that やつ=奴. But why use it here for a virus? And it's even used in the reply?!?
The last bit is this:
B: それならよかった ここのとこ毎日来させちゃってるから さすがに負い目がね
B: Oh, then it’s okay. I dare say I would feel indebted to you since I have been making you come here every day.
The basic jist is that B would feel responsible/bad if her making A come to her every day recently got A sick. I have just noticed as I was typing this in that ここの所 is apparently an adverb? that indicates this has been happening recently. I guess my google fuu has failed me on this one. Probably because ここのところ form is used pretty much allways for this.
Or am I mistaken here?
PS: I am sorry for making this basically a three part question, but I gathered that it would be better to put it in a single one, since it really is part of a single context rather than scatter it throughout different questions. If it's a problem, I'll gladly split it.