I met this sentence while reading a story containing a monologue of a character talking about "true name/真名" usage. I'm not a native Japanese and don't know much about this matter. I Hope someone can explain what this character means here about the usage of a person's true name.
My guess, but not sure about its implication : "So a person's true name also has this kind of usage, where it can be used to judge people's relationship, huh?" - Feel free to correct if you see my understanding is wrong somewhere.
Story: The main character saw 3 of his friends one night (they're 3 sisters 桃香/愛紗/鈴々) standing on top of the city's castle wall. He felt it had been like a long time since the last time time he saw the 3 of them stand together. (PS: the main character is working for a clan leader/ city governor 桃香, who is the eldest sister amongst the 3 sisters. They called him their master because in the past he saved the clan leader's life.)
Main character「なんだか、三人がそうやって揃ってるのを見るの……久しぶりだな」
(* forgot to mention the character 趙雲 mentioned in this dialogue is a mercenary, who's also fighting alongside the main character's faction. This character likes to tease others and the character 愛紗 doesn't like her)