I came across the following sentence in my Japanese textbook. It is provided without any further context, and it is one of the four given example sentences to understand the grammar points ~に伴って ・ ~とともに:
Which I translated as:
Along with the global warming, I think I'd like to observe several changes.
As far as I understand it correctly, 観察 means "observation", rather than just "seeing", which makes me think that 変化を観察 naturally refers to observing changes in the nature, environtment, society, etc. triggered or caused by the global warming. On the other hand, this interpretation doesn't make complete sense to me because such changes would probably be negative (more natural disasters, extremer climates, etc.), so why would anyone "think they'd like to observe" such negative changes?
To me, something more factual rather than 観察したい would make more sense:
Is it possible that 変化を観察 is here referring to a change of policies or regulations, or any other change not inherently negative, or what am I missing here?