I'm working on translating a script for a SNES game and have run into this grammar in the following sentences:

ナガサキの家で おまえの両親を 我々が殺した時の あの すさまじいまでのパワー あの時おまえは まだ たったの4さい・・・

オレ達 ゾク世間から 遠くはなれた あの神々しいまでの うつくしさ・・・

I've tried checking some grammar dictionaries & textbooks but haven't had any luck finding this so far. I was only ever taught that a noun or a verb could come before まで, so I'm not sure what's supposed to be the difference in meaning here compared to just い adjective + noun.

  • Just curious, which SNES game is this?
    – cmw
    Commented Mar 25 at 20:37
  • Kind of related On the use of 「憎々しいまでの」
    – dungarian
    Commented Mar 25 at 23:30
  • @cmw The game is "Day of the Idea" (イデアの日).
    – Zeal
    Commented Mar 26 at 16:53
  • Very cool. I'm always a fan of new translations from SFC (etc.) games, so good to see. Hadn't seen this one before.
    – cmw
    Commented Mar 26 at 17:20

1 Answer 1


what's supposed to be the difference in meaning here compared to just い adjective + noun.

Practically, there's not much difference and I think, in terms of translation, you can forget までの: tremendous power / divine beauty.

The usage of まで is mentioned, e.g., in the following questions (the second one is similar in usage, but separate).

Literally XなまでにA means A to the point of being X and XなまでのN is the corresponding noun. As something that works naturally, 神々しいまでの美しさ is a nominal form of 神々しいまでに美しい=beautiful to the point of being divine, and means beauty that is almost divine.

In terms of usage, it is a kind of rhetoric to emphasize the degree of 'A'(or corresponding 'N'). In a case like すさまじいまでのパワー, I guess it can be only terrible/tremendous/gigantic power translationwise.

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