
Hi. How should I understand the construction たりだとか grammatically and semantically? Is たり a noun so we need だ? I know the 〜たり…〜たり form used to list multiple examples. とか has the same function, it seems.

Thank you.

1 Answer 1


This だ is a special type of だ that adds a feeling of disdain, doubt, surprise, etc. It can even directly follow the dictionary form of a verb/adjective:

So you can think of だとか as a set expression used to list two or more unfavorable things.

Technically, 「~って言われるだとか、~って言われるだとか」 is enough, but I don't feel たりだとか is wordy or redundant. It's hard to explain why, but たり is used to describe multiple actions while とか here describes multiple reasons, so they may be playing slightly different roles.

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