There are a few things that I don't understand about the highlighted text in the image below. The biggest question I have is what でいう is doing after 人間 (is it some sort of construction or are they acting as two completely seperate words?) and what is doing after 程度. Also at the end where it says 「という元気なキャラクターだ。」who is that referring to?

I also found this page which describes ~で言うところの but I'm not sure if that's related.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


AでいうB means "(equivalent of) B in A's terms" or "known as B in A".

  • 彼は人間でいう13歳程度だ。
    He is about 13 years old in human years.
  • 彼は今でいう糖尿病だった。
    He had a disease now known as diabetes.
  • ロシアのKGBはアメリカでいうCIAだ。
    KGB in Russia is comparable to CIA in the US.

で after 程度 is simply the te-form of だ, and it's used to connect two sentences. 元気なキャラクター refers to Pit, and 桜井氏いわく~という modifies 元気なキャラクター.

The age (of Pit) is (set to) about 13 in human years, and ...

he (=Pit) is a cheerful character who, according to Mr. Sakurai, "doesn't worry, and doesn't go on a journey of self-discovery :D".

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