In the video game Mother 3, there is a group of beings called the Magypsy, who are rumored to be very old. While talking to humans, one of them says the following:
Note: The game's text is in almost all kana; kanji are mine. The original text is, 「にんげんなんて いきるにしても しぬにしても せいぜい たった100ねん。」
While my guess is that this means something along the lines of, "A human life, from beginning to end, lasts at best a hundred years", I'm wondering about the exact meaning of the 「~にしても」construction. Jisho translates 「にしても」as "even if", but I can't find a way to phrase this sentence like that - "... even if they live, even if they die..." doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.
Is this some grammatical form I'm not familiar with, or is it perhaps my interpretation of the sentence that's the problem?