I just started reading 上級へのとびら, an intermediate book with a lot of reading sections. Throughout my reading there have been a couple cases where I can't understand the usage of が in my sentences.


This sentence seems like it would work better with の, but from what I have been told it has to do with the adjective 大好き. What confuses me is that I have always thought that verbs finish a clause, but in this case 日本人が大好きな桜の花 seems to be the subject for this sentence. Why is this?


The part I don't understand here is 観光やレジャーが目的. 観光やレジャー isn't the subject I don't think, so I honestly don't know why its being used with が.

Any help is appreciated!

  • After doing more research into this question, it turns out が was not the problem but my lack of understanding in the particles で and な.
    – Sleepy
    Commented Aug 20, 2018 at 5:31

1 Answer 1


日本人が大好きな桜の花 is the subject of the verb 咲く, and the subject of the verb 違います is 日本人が大好きな桜の花がいつ頃咲くか. The whole structure of this sentence is like this.structure of the first sentence

In 観光やレジャーが目的, 観光やレジャー is the subject of 目的で(目的だ) and not 行く. It says 観光やレジャー is the purpose of 行く. structure of the second purpose

  • Could I ask how you made those lovely diagrams?
    – G-Cam
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 3:49
  • 1
    I used Adobe Illustrator. If you don't have it, tools for generating graphs like Graphviz might help you.
    – legogo
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 4:20

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