How are the following different:

  • そうです (thats right)

  • そうですか (i see; is that so)

  • そうですね (thats right)

also what's the difference between いいです and いいですね?

reference or sentence in context much appreciated especially example/s of where one uses "thats right" in english and then its translated to japanese which of そうですね or そうです are used any help would be much appreciated.

  • This is not an answer, but these are called LRs ("listener responses") in linguistics, and ALL Japanese learners require a lot of practice before being able to deploy them naturally. I don't say this to be discouraging, just that it's something that seems like it should be so easy, but it takes time!
    – mamster
    Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 0:04
  • Also, いいそうで and いいそうですね are not common expressions. Are you thinking of いいです and いいですね?
    – mamster
    Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 0:05
  • いいです and いいですね is what i meant sorry i edit!
    – Faust
    Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 0:44

1 Answer 1


そうです is a way of saying 'yes, that is certain.' For example, a discussion using the word might go like this:

 4+3=7 ですか? (Is 4+3=7?)

 はい、そうです。(Yes, that is certain.)

On the other hand, そうですか is, as the definition you provided, can be both I see; or is that so?

If you used it as 'I see':

椅子に引っかかって腕を折りました。(I tripped on a chair and broke my arm.)

そうですか。。。 (I see...)

If you used it as 'Is that so?':

 4+3=8です。 (4+3 is 8.)

そうですか? (Is that so?)

そうですね is a more intimate version of そうです、 and usually used when you are talking to a person of higher rank. It can also be used to start a sentence like 'um,'

Used like 'yes, I agree':

社長: ロッククライミングは危ないと思います。(Boss: I think Rockclimbing is dangerous)

社員: そうですね。(Worker: Yes, I agree.)

Used like 'um':

 あなたはどう思いますか? (What do you think?)

 そうですね、良いと思います。(Um, I think it is good.)

いいです and いいですね is the same thing as before, the one with the ね is more intimate version, and usually used when you are talking to a person of higher rank.

I hope this helps.

  • ありがとうございます!タイプミスでした。。。(汗) Commented Jun 2, 2018 at 22:16

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