I had always thought that when you were talking about percentage, fractions, portions, etc., it was always pronounced ぶん. However, I saw its pronunciation listed as ぶ on Imabi, a renowned website for self-learners. The likelihood of its being an error was rather low, since the author seemed to really know his stuff, solid.
On Imabi, a couple of examples were given:
*Strangely, MS-IME does not show 八九分 for はっくぶ, I have to type each kanji separately. Could it be due to its not being an idiom?
The first two seem to be 四字熟語, so I would simply assume the pronunciations are not up for discussion. However, what about other combinations, such as 九割九分? According to this native speaker (ID: ywja):
It's either きゅうわりきゅうぶ or くわりくぶ. Personally, I find that きゅうわりきゅうぶ is more common. Also, it sounds more colloquial and casual to my ears, probably because きゅう sounds more casual than く as the reading of 九.
Question #1.
Her/his explanation appears not to be about personal preference, or regional/dialectic difference. If there is indeed room for variation, as this person suggests, what are some common examples (other than 九) where multiple readings apply for the sake of nuances? For instance, for 四分, what are the possible readings? よぶ, よんぶ, and/or しぶ?
In addition, how does one read 何分, 一分, 三分, 八分, 十分, 百分
, and so on?
Unfortunately, that is not all.
First of all, as far as I know, 分 should be read as ぶん for fractions, such as 三分{さんぶん}の一{いち}. The same goes for portions, such as 千人分の生ビール, or 三十年分のビール.
Next, I looked up 分 again in a dictionary, and for this specific pronunciation, ぶ, 研究社 listed only one English translation, "percent." The following are all the sample sentences provided:
銀行は 4 *分の利子で金を貸してくれた。 The bank lent me the money at 4 percent interest.
日本チームに*分がある勝ちそうだ。 The Japanese team is likely to win.
今回は我々のほうが*分がいい。 We have an advantage this time.
その仕事は 9 *分どおり済んだ。 The work is 90 percent done.
For 2. & 3., I think ぶ is the only possible reading, since only under ぶ is this meaning listed. In goo辞書, 1st entry under 分(ぶ):
Question #2.
For 1. & 4., can you read it as ぶん as well? Moreover, shouldn't it be 9 percent in 4., or 九割?
Again, under 割(り)(わり), goo辞書 has this definition:
- 歩合の単位。1割は10分の1。
And for 分(ぶ):
I guess one does not simply consult a dictionary, and go "Eureka!"
Question 3.
How does one decide, then, when (一)分 means one-tenth, but not one-hundredth? Moreover, how does one read it? ぶ, or ぶん?
長文ですみません… いつも迷惑をかけてばかりんですが…どうぞよろしくお願いいたします!