A superior is proud of subordinate's work, and says the following:
The first bit is her saying that the subordinate's work is exemplary (the very definition of going well, if I understand what そのもの does).
The second part is more troubling.
I'm pretty sure the above is saying she got the permission from the departments to do a presentation, since we have causative and もらう and に to indicate who gave permission.
The problematic bit is what follows. The 身としては, and especially the 身 bit. If I took it literally I might think that
Body on which I got a go ahead from departments to give a presentation
But I don't think it's really a physical body, but more a topic of the presentation.
So I think she is saying she is proud she'll give a presentation on subordinate's work to the departments. I assume she means in future?
So am I reading this 身としては鼻が高い bit right?
Also that と at the end of そのものと, is it there just as a conjunction AND, or might it also be there to indicate the topic of presentation. I don't think it's the later, but it could be....