Oshiruko is a hot food with a rice cake in a sweetly boiled adzuki bean broth.
I think I must be misunderstanding how 甘く is used here, since you can't boil something in a sweet way.
Oshiruko is a hot food with a rice cake in a sweetly boiled adzuki bean broth.
I think I must be misunderstanding how 甘く is used here, since you can't boil something in a sweet way.
It's 結果構文 (Resultative Construction). The continuative form of an adjective (甘く here) represents the resultant state caused by the action (煮る). So 甘く煮る means "to boil/cook/stew and make sweet" (≂ 煮て甘くする), or "to boil/cook/stew in such a way that it will become sweet, by adding sugar" (≂ (砂糖で)甘くなるように煮る), i.e. "boil with sugar".
Like in this phrase, I think 煮る can include the process of flavoring -- you 煮る the ingredient in flavored water when you make [煮豆]{にまめ}, [煮魚]{にざかな}, シチュー etc. where the food is usually served with the flavored water. When you boil the food in unflavored water and drain it, like when you boil 卵, [蕎麦]{そば}, パスタ, vegetables for お[浸]{ひた}し etc, you use the verb [茹]{ゆ}でる.
cf: 「魚を[甘辛]{あまから}く[煮付]{につ}ける」
"boil/simmer fish in a way that it will be sweet and salty"
→ "boil/simmer fish with soy sauce and sugar".
A few more examples of 結果構文:
[壁]{かべ}を[白]{しろ}く[塗]{ぬ}る (≂ 壁を塗って白くする) -- paint a wall white
[部屋]{へや}をきれいに[掃除]{そうじ}する (≂ 部屋を掃除してきれいにする) -- sweep a room clean
ご[飯]{はん}をおいしく[炊]{た}く -- make good boiled rice
[靴]{くつ}をピカピカに[磨]{みが}く -- polish/shine shoes well
[髪]{かみ}を[短]{みじか}く[切]{き}る -- cut one's hair short
[息子]{むすこ}を[立派]{りっぱ}に[育]{そだ}てる -- bring up one's son to be a fine/respectable man
基本的{きほんてき}にChocolateさんの回答{かいとう}は合{あ}っていると思{おも}います(+1 upvote)
Rohan 露伴さんの回答{かいとう}にある「甘く煮る means boil and sweeten with sugar」や、Chocolateさんの回答の中にある "boil with sugar" が基本的に正{ただ}しい理解だと思います。(+1 upvote)
私は、Rohan 露伴さんの解釈{かいしゃく}方法{ほうほう}に加{くわ}えて次{つぎ}のように理解しています。