(Scientists) are saying to reduce the problem in exams of whether or not you've memorised a word.

I'm not sure I've translated this correctly. I'm confused about the inclusion of 聞く. I'm sure the act of asking whether or not you've memorised the word isn't the problem.

If I'd been asked to write this sentence I'd have replaced 聞く with either:

1) という
2) が
3) nothing

Would any of these options lead to a grammatical, natural sentence? Would my sentence have a different meaning?

  • 2
    – chocolate
    Commented Oct 1, 2017 at 5:51

1 Answer 1


問題 here is not a “problem” in the meaning of a “general issue”, but a problem as an “exercise”, a “test item”.

Thus ことばを覚えているかどうか聞く問題 are exercises asking (verifying) if examinees remembered words.

And it’s not the problem itself that needs to be reduced, but the number of such problems (exercises) in exams.

That said, I’m not sure if the latter part of the question still remains relevant, but:

I'd have replaced 聞く with either:

1) という

This would refer to a direct question: “did you remember the word ...?”

2) が

Ungrammatical. I’m not even sure what the intention was. A possessive が? Anyway, it doesn’t follow an embedded question.

3) nothing

Passable, I guess. No change in meaning.

  • 3) nothing -- Passable, I guess. ← 「ことばを覚えているかどうか問題を減らす...」でもいい、って意味ですかね・・?
    – chocolate
    Commented Oct 1, 2017 at 5:49
  • @Chocolate “I guess” means I’m not sure, but would’t 「〜かどうか、問題〜」 work in a spoken language?
    – macraf
    Commented Oct 1, 2017 at 6:48
  • I thought an embedded question can act like a noun phrase, so が could follow it. e.g. ことばを覚えているかどうかが問題だ "the question is will I have memorised the word". In this case though, I was being a moron because that would make the question the subject of 減らす which is nonsense. Commented Oct 1, 2017 at 8:03
  • @macraf カジュアルな話し言葉では、「覚えてるか(どうか) って問題」とか「覚えてるか(どうか) っていう問題」とか言うかなと思います。「覚えてるかどうか問題」とも言うかも? カジュアルじゃなかったら、「覚えているか(どうか)(を)問う問題」とか・・
    – chocolate
    Commented Oct 1, 2017 at 15:31

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