I don't think that 駄目
and 悪い
are very similar (at least as far as I know), so I've included いけない
as I think there is some overlap between the three.
On the end of verbs:
By themselves, plain present as an exclamation:
By themselves, plain past:
In describing a person, plain present:
In describing a person, plain past:
彼は駄目だった = "he was good-for-nothing/useless/incompetent/hopeless"
あの人は小説家としては駄目だった = "That guy was a failure as a novelist"
彼がいけなかった/彼が悪かった = "[he was wrong/it was bad for him] (to have done something)"
In summary, 悪い
can mean:
- "bad/evil/horrible/unpleasant" as in 悪い人/悪い奴 "a bad/horrible/wicked person"
- "poor/inferior/bad" as in 質の悪い "poor quality" or 頭が悪い "an inferior intellect"
- "in bad shape" (health-wise) as in 体調が悪い/"bad" as in 体に悪い "bad for you"
- "(someone's) fault"/"(someone being) to blame"/"(someone being) mistaken"
and 駄目
can mean:
- "useless"/"unusable"
- "it's no use" as in "whatever you do, it's not going to make a difference" 何をやっても駄目だ (similar to 無駄{むだ})
- "in vain" as in 駄目だった "it was in vain"
- "hopeless" as in もう駄目 "beyond hope" (similar to もういけない)
- "something which must not be done" as in 駄目!/やっちゃ駄目だよ! etc
it all depends on the context.
Sources: Space ALC, the Yahoo J-E progressive dictionary, Daijisen.
Note: I hope this will be useful, but it's far from complete and may well contain errors.
can have some overlap with悪い
I think: dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/thsrs/15560/m0u. I went intoいけない
's meaning a bit at japanese.stackexchange.com/a/3817/796.