b) 彼女はけがをした
b) 彼女はけがをした
1) The girl was injured
2) The girl injured herself
日本人にとって、「b) 彼女はけがをした」という表現{ひょうげん}は、「けがをした」という原因{げんいん}に無関係{むかんけい}な表現{ひょうげん}なので、それに対する英語が1) なのか2) なのかは、前後{ぜんご}の情報{じょうほう}がなけれが判断{はんだん}できないと思{おも}います。
a) の表現{ひょうげん}に対しても、原因{げんいん}は外部{がいぶ}からだということは明白{めいはく}ですが、「52人がけがをしました」はごく自然{しぜん}日本語ですが、「52人はけがをされました」あるいは「52人はけがをさせられました」という表現は不自然{ふしぜん}です。
b) 彼女はげがをした
I know there is an expression "けがをさせる", that is a causative form of "けがをする". But I've rarely heard or used the expression "お前が急に俺を押して俺にけがをさせる" though it must be grammatically correct, while we think the expression like "彼女は転んでけがをした" or "彼女は後ろから押されてけがをした" is a natural Japanese. The action of the phrase "お前が急に俺を押して俺にけがをさせる" is considered to be a crime. We might say "大きな木が倒れてきて(私が)けがをする", but we seldom see the phrase "木が倒れてきて私にけがをさせる", because it sounds unnatural or sounds like the personification of a tree that attacked to injure me or it sounds a literal translation of English phrase.
The reason why we feel like this is that there must be, I think, big difference between the two languages and further more between the two people who use these languages on the matter of how much they would mind the cause or responsibility for the result of "けがをする".
We Japanese would mind the phenomenon of "けがをする", but I guess we would less mind the cause of "けがをする" than the natives of English would do, so we have not needed to prepare two kinds of expressions of how to "けがをする".
Even though, if we want to make clear the cause of "けがをする" we would say like "彼女は自分で転んでけがをした" or "彼女は後ろから押されてけがをした" by adding the phrase that could express the cause of "けがをする".
Judging from these things, we Japanese seem only to place importance on the phenomenon of "けがをする", whether the cause of "けがをする" is done by themselves or by others.
b) 彼女はけがをした
1) The girl was injured
2) The girl injured herself
We Japanese couldn't specify which one of 1) and 2) means "b) 彼女はけがをした", because we consider the phrase has nothing to do with the cause of the injury unless otherwise we get the context of the phrase.
As for the phrase a), we know clearly that the accident was caused by the others but we think "52人はけがをされました" and "52人はけがをさせられました" are unnatural even if they have passive forms, while we think "52人がけがをしました" is a very natural Japanese.