Unless you're writing your questions from some time in the past, the answer is that you should not write こちら using kanji.
This can be seen by going to any monolingual dictionary. For instance, goo marks the kanji as follows:
The x means that the kanji is not in the joyo. The down triangle means that this should not be written this way. Or to say that another way,
- in proper* contemporary orthography, 此の etc are never written using that kanji.
- in proper contemporary orthography, ちら should not be written with 方
That said, I think anyone could read it, but no one really writes it.
Comparatively, if you look at entries for 貴方, there are no so much markings indicating it should not be written in kanji.
- Proper here means officially sanctioned by the government -- where there are some common uses of kanji that are not, I've never seen anything normal from the post-war period written this way (non-native speaker though).