Here is a sentence said by a kid to officers wanting them to do something.
まってちゃぶだい まっておじさま やるよ やってみせるよっ。
I found that ちゃぶだい means 'tea table' but I don't know if it is related to the meaning of waiting someone.
I think it is a pun of 待ってちょうだい.
~てちょうだい is a friendly phrase which is used when you want to get someone to do something.
ちゃぶ台(名) テーブルのこと。座卓。 (関)許してちゃぶ台=ちょうだい(頂戴).
Here (above) it says "Kansai slang" but i disagree.
I'm pretty sure the pun comes from the Kyuu-kana 旧かな for ちょうだい --- which is ちゃうだい or ちやうだい